Agile HR Newsletter June 2024

What Is a Stay Interview?

The Benefits of Employee Feedback

Flexible Working - Balancing Employee and Employer Needs

By Jenny Goulding, Hils Jackett, David Rogers & Chelsey Phillips

Table Of Contents

What Is a Stay Interview?

In a stay interview, an employer sits down with an employee to discover what the employee values about their job and what could be improved for them personally but also the company as a whole. A stay interview is similar to an exit interview, but is done with active employees rather than ones leaving.  Stay Interviews ideally target your top talent – the ones you don’t want to lose.

stay interview

The Importance of Stay Interviews

Ultimately, stay interviews can help raise employee retention rates.

Engage with employees to show their opinions are valued.

Learn why employees want to continue working for the company and why they might want to leave.

Find out if any issues should be resolved between the employee and their superiors or team members.

Determine what challenges employees appreciate and what motivates them to work towards the company goals.

Gain a better understanding of the employee’s unique weaknesses and strengths.

Gather actionable information about current and upcoming employee trends in the office.

For more information please contact [email protected]

The Benefits of Employee Feedback

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation is crucial for the success of your organisation. One powerful tool that is often undervalued is employee feedback.

employee feedback

Harnessing the insights and perspectives of your team not only drives engagement but also propels your organisation towards excellence.

Here’s why embracing employee feedback can be a game-changer:

Enhancing Employee Engagement and Satisfaction

When employees feel heard, they become more engaged and satisfied with their work. Regularly seeking employee feedback shows a commitment to their well-being and opinions. This sense of appreciation fosters a positive work environment, boosts morale and reduces turnover. Employees who are engaged are more productive, motivated, and dedicated to the company’s success.

Enhancing Customer/ Client Satisfaction

There is a direct link between employee satisfaction and customer/ client satisfaction. When employees are happy and engaged, they are more likely to provide exceptional service. Additionally, employees who interact with customers can offer the company insights into customer needs and preferences.

Strengthening Communication and Collaboration

Open and honest communication is the backbone of a healthy company culture. Encouraging employee feedback builds trust and transparency. When employees feel safe to express their thoughts and ideas, it strengthens relationships between them and management. This improved communication leads to better teamwork and collaboration, as employees feel more connected and aligned with the company goals and direction.

Fostering Innovation

Innovation thrives in an environment where ideas can flow freely. Encouraging feedback from your team creates a culture of openness where creative solutions and new perspectives are welcomed. Employees who feel their ideas are valued are more likely to contribute to the company’s innovation efforts.

If you would like more information on employee feedback & support with creating an employee survey, please contact [email protected]

Flexible Working – Balancing Employee and Employer Needs

The world of work is evolving, and with the new flexible working rules effective from 6 April 2024, both employees and employers have a significant opportunity to benefit from more adaptable working arrangements. Here’s a breakdown of the key changes and how they can help balance the needs of both parties.

Key Changes to Flexible Working

Day-One Right to Request: From their first day of employment, employees can request flexible working arrangements. This right extends to an estimated 2.2 million more workers​.

Increased Requests: Employees can now make two flexible working requests in any 12-month period, up from one​.

Faster Response Time: Employers must respond to flexible working requests within two months, reduced from the previous three-month timeframe.

Mandatory Consultation: Employers are required to consult with employees before rejecting a flexible working request, promoting transparency and collaboration.

No Justification Required: Employees no longer need to justify the impact of their flexible working request on the employer.

Types of Flexible Working

Flexible working can take many forms, including:

  • Part-time working
  • Home or remote working
  • Hybrid working
  • Flexitime
  • Compressed hours
  • Job sharing
  • Annualised hours
  • Staggered hours​

Benefits for Employees and Employers

For Employees:

  • Improved Work-Life Balance: Flexible working allows employees to better manage their personal and professional lives, reducing stress and increasing job satisfaction.
  • Reduced Absenteeism: Employees are less likely to take time off for childcare or mental health issues when they have flexible working options​.

For Employers:

  • Increased Productivity: Flexibility can lead to higher engagement and productivity.
  • Talent Attraction and Retention: Offering flexible working can make an organisation more attractive to potential employees and help retain current staff.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Flexible working can help create a more inclusive workplace by accommodating diverse employee needs​.

Implementing Flexible Working

Employers should update their flexible working policies to align with the new regulations and train managers on the new requirements. Agile HR can provide you with guidance on handling flexible working requests! We encourage employers to consider what may be possible rather than immediately focusing on potential challenges​.

For further information on the above, please contact [email protected]

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