SME HR Consultancy of 2024

Because people do matter

Your people are our business

20th January 2022 Update

It was announced yesterday by the Government that the Covid-19 measures under Plan B will be lifted due to the decrease in the Covid-19 numbers. Here is a breakdown of the recent updates and what you need to know:

In England

From 17th January 2022 -You can stop self-isolating at the start of day 6 if you get 2 negative rapid lateral flow test results on days 5 and 6 and do not have a temperature. Tests must be at least 24 hours apart. If either test is positive, wait 24 hours before testing again. It has been announced (but not confirmed) that the 5-day isolation rule will expire from 24th March 2022.

From 19th January 2022 – The guidance of ‘working from home if you can’ has been lifted and employees should now make arrangements with their employers to start returning to work.

From 27th January 2022 – You will no longer be required to wear a face covering; however, it is still advised to wear one in crowded and indoor spaces. You’ll no longer need to show your NHS COVID Pass at venues and events by law.

Isolation Rules

If you develop Covid-19 symptoms or test positive for Covid-19, you must self-isolate for 5 days. The day symptoms begin is day zero with the following day being day 1. You can only leave isolation if you take Lateral Flow Tests, 24 hours apart and receive negative results both times. The first test is to be taken on day 5.

This rule still applies to both vaccinated and un-vaccinated employees.

In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – you must self-isolate for at least 7 days from when the symptoms develop or from when you test positive for Covid-19. Self-isolation can end after two negative LFT results, 24 hours apart – the first no earlier than day six.

The guidance applies whatever your vaccination status, or whichever Covid variant you have.


If you have any questions on the above, please do let us know.

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Pandemic Update January 2022